Inversionstherapie mit Marjorie Kasten PT

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15.06.2013 - 16.06.2013
Samstag 9.00 - 18.00
Sonntag 9.00 - 17.00


Preis EUR 450,-

Instruktor Marjorie Kasten, FDM-Instruktor



  • Modul 1, 2 + 3


The two-day intensive course is designed to train FDM practitioners in the use of FDM Inversion Treatments in their offices and includes:

  • brief history of inversion treatments
  • review of folding fascia and how it gets injured, especially in the spine
  • diagnosis of folding injuries – including differences in body language
  • acute and chronic injuries
  • indications and contraindications for inversion
  • the equipment and how it is used
  • lots of practicum and hands-on use of the equipment
  • demonstration and treatment of  live patients
  • some things I’ve learned in 16 years in the FDM

Kurssprache Englisch mit deutscher Übersetzung.

Im Preis enthalten sind die Kursunterlagen, Pausenverpflegung sowie das Mittagsessen an beiden Kurstagen


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